Composting Highlight – SixTwelve

Composting Highlight – SixTwelve

  Founded in 2010 and opened in February of 2015, SixTwelve is a community education center that focuses on creativity and sustainable living. We provide a PreK program three days per week for 3-5 year olds and camps during fall, spring and summer breaks for 6-17...
Composter Highlight – The City of Norman

Composter Highlight – The City of Norman

The City of Norman has a yard waste compost facility that began operations as an effort to divert waste from landfills to offset landfill fees, and to provide a valuable service to the community. Residents of Norman are able to drop off yard waste only at the...
Keynote announced

Keynote announced

We are proud to announce our Keynote Speaker, Jona Tucker. Jona works for The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and is the Director of the Pontotoc Ridge Preserve, Oka’yanahli Preserve, and Boehler Seeps and Sandhills Preserve. Jona hopes that by collaborating with people and...
2017 The Sedimental Value of Compost

2017 The Sedimental Value of Compost

The third annual Oklahoma Compost Conference will be held at the Cleveland Country Fairgrounds in Norman Oklahoma. We have some very special guest speakers that will offer educational insight to how compost is beneficial and how compost is being used around the...